Y4 Thameside Theatre Visit
We are taking Y4 to see Jack and the Beanstalk at The Thameside Theatre on Wednesday 6th December.
Y3 ROH Nutcracker Visit
We are taking Y3 to see The Nutcracker at the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden on Wednesday 6th December.
Christmas Jumper Day
Children can wear Christmas Jumpers or other Christmassy clothes on Thursday 7th December and the last day of term.
Christmas Bazaar
Please come to our Christmas Bazaar after school on Thursday 7th December. There will be no clubs after school that day, not even ASC.
Carol Singing in December
Year 1 to 6 all have a day to sing carols outside from 2.45 to 3.15 pm:
Y6 Friday 8th Y5 Monday 11th Y4 Tuesday 12th
Y3 Thursday 14th Y2 Monday 18th Y1 Tuesday 19th
Our Christmas Disco is on Wednesday 13th December: Infants 4.45—6.30 pm and Junior 6.30—7.45 pm. £5 each (includes hot dog & drink)
Infant Nativities *
Each class will present a simple nativity play with traditional carols:
Y2 Friday December 8th 2 B 9.15 am 2E 11.00 am 2W 2.15 pm
Y1 Monday 11th 1P 9.15 am 1C 11.00 am 1O 2.15 pm
Reception Wednesday 13th RM 9.15 am RS 11.00 am RB 2.15 pm
Nursery Christmas Concert *
Our nursery children will perform I-Spy Christmas on Friday 15th December at 11.00 am and 2.30 pm.
Carol Services*
KS2 invite you to their Carol Services at 10.00 am at St Marys:
Y5 Tues 12th Y4 Thurs 14th Y3 Mon 18th Y6 Tues 19th .
* Crèche
We ask you to use our FREE crèche in school for all performances as we do not admit toddlers and babies. There are NO exceptions.
Christmas Pantomime
We are treating children to the M&M pantomime of Cinderella in school on Wednesday 20th December, the last day of term.
Christmas Lunch
We shall cook Christmas Lunch for everyone on the last day of term. Please let us know if your child does not want it or is a vegetarian.
We are holding Christmas parties in the afternoon on last day of term. No need for food but children can wear Christmas jumpers or party clothes.