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Religious Education

Religious Education is a compulsory subject for all state-funded schools but not part of the National Curriculum. There are however national guidelines and there should by law be a Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE) in each Local Education Authority which consults and draws up a syllabus for schools in that area to follow. If you would like to opt out of any part of our RE lessons please write to Mrs Stafford.

At Woodside, we use 'RE TODAY' which is written with Thurrock SACRE.



SACRE committee

Thurrock Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE) is a committee that meets 3 times a year at the Civic Offices, New Road, Grays.

SACRE's main function is to advise us on religious education (RE) and collective worship. Every council responsible for children's services must have a SACRE committee.


  • reviews the syllabus for RE on a regular basis
  • offers guidance on resources and methods of teaching in consultation with Thurrock schools
  • monitors the quality of provision for RE and collective acts of worship in Thurrock

Representation on SACRE is according to current religious proportionality in Thurrock.

Thurrock SACRE - Spirited arts awards


Well done to all the children last year that entered our cross curricula art and RE competition.

The winners we announced at the beginning of this academic year and the children received their certificates and awards from a representative for Thurrock Council and SACRE.
