At Woodside we start each day with an assembly. These are not necessarily highly religious but often a celebration of children's achievements, however each assembly has time for reflection, a prayer (read by child volunteers) and hymns or other songs. Our Monday assembly is led by Open the Book volunteers who re-enact bible stores. Below are some religious stories which children can read for themselves or which you can read to them.
There is a daily assembly at Woodside:
Monday - Bible stories acted by our Open The Book volunteers
Tuesday - Children perform class assemblies for parents
Wednesday - Singing Assembly
Thursday - Separate infant and junior assemblies led by teachers
Friday - Presentation of certificates awards including house points and attendance
Woodside would welcome volunteers from a variety of faiths who would like to contribute assemblies. Our assemblies are carefully planned to meet the legal requirement for a daily act of collective worship which is inclusive of children of all faiths or none and which plays a major part in the work of the school. Parents who have any concerns regarding assemblies are free to contact the principal.