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Healthy Woodside

We do everything we can to promote the health of our children as this is essential to their learning now and to their enjoying long and happy lives in the future. Our healthy lunches pass the highest criteria of the Food for Life award and we only allow fruit for break time snacks. We also ensure our children get plenty of exercise; both at school and on the way to and from school. We promote cycling, walking and scooting to school and have a daily walking bus. All classes are expected to complete the "Daily Mile"; when teachers take their classes out for 15 minutes every day to run or walk, in which time they should be able to run a mile.  We have an extensive range of extra-curricular activities and have four times won the Sainsbury's gold award for our excellent sports provision.


Please support us in ensuring you child's good health by choosing school meals, not driving your child to school and encouraging your child to take part in one of our many sports clubs.

Packed Lunch Guidance

Sugar Smart Mission Maker
